
An Altruistic Umbrella Distribution Network

The concept of Pay It Forward is simple.

One performs a kindness for someone else and that person then repays that kindness by performing another act of kindness for another person. Then the dominoes fall.

The concept was popularized by the 2001 film, starring Kevin Spacey. Check out the trailer here.

The purpose of this site is to spread awareness of this concept and to help make our world a better place. We are beginning with umbrellas. As we have little to no funds, this is the first step we can take. If you see someone walking in the street in the pouring rain, no hood, no umbrella, hand them one. Just tell them to Pay It Forward.

Check out a tutorial.

To purchase Pay It Forward Life Umbrellas, please contact me.



Film poster for Pay It Forward – Copyright 2000, Warner Bros.